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Promoting sportsmanship, team-play, and self-confidence.

Promoting sportsmanship, team-play, and self-confidence.

COVID19 Update

August 17,2020
Return to Play Safety Plan

Following the outbreak of COVID-19 the Lakewood Soccer Club has implemented a phased Return To Play (RTP) safety plan.  This plan is based on information provided by US Soccer, Michigan State Youth Soccer Association (MSYSA), and Federal, State, and Local Guidelines.  Player, volunteer, and spectator safety is of the utmost importance and the plan aims to reduce risk while getting the kids back on the field.

Every family should exercise their own discretion regarding return to play.  Make sure you are comfortable before you return, ultimately it is your choice if and when to return to play.

The information in this document is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  All content, including text graphics, images and information are provided for general informational purposes only.  The knowledge and circumstances around COVID-19 are changing constantly and, as such, Lakewood Soccer makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of this information.  Further, you should seek advice from medical professionals and/ or public health officials if you have specific questions about your return to training and competition.

Lakewood Soccer will be following MSYSA's Return To Training guidance.  The plan could change or evolve over time, as such the updated plan can be found at  

Lakewood Soccer Club has a presence in three regions of Governor Whitmer's reopening plan, Grand Rapids Region 2, Kalamazoo Region 3, Lansing Region 5.  As each region could be under different phases of the reopening and safety plans, Lakewood Soccer Club will always default to the strictest regulations of the three regions.  

Below are minimum criteria for training sessions for athletes, coaches and staff.

• Individual has no known exposure to someone that has been ill with COVID-19 in the past 14 days prior to training.

• A player or team official who has recently traveled to another state will be permitted to participate in training and camps as long as they do not present any COVID-19 symptoms and have not had contact with anyone who is sick 14 days prior. In order to return to training, a player/team official must be symptom free, not sick, and have not been in close contact (6 feet for at least 10 minutes) with anyone else with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 for at least 14 days. 

• If the individual has any symptoms or known exposure of COVID-19 they should be sent home and instructed to contact their healthcare provider as soon as possible. • Individual has no temperature readings greater than or equal to 100.4 °F (38°C). Temperature checks should not be conducted by staff but by player / family prior to attending training. 

• Individual has appropriate infection prevention supplies such as (but not limited to) hand sanitizer, facial tissues, facial coverings (used before and after training).

• Individual is assigned to a small group training session in an area where social distancing can be maintained.

• Equipment is properly sanitized before and after every training session. 

• Individual should use their own water bottle, towel and any other personal hygiene products.

• Individual should avoid any activities that may require direct or indirect contact (e.g. bumping) between athletes while training. 

• Club has established a cleaning schedule/protocol for equipment with the proper use of disinfectant before, during, and after training. 

• Coaching can occur onsite - coaches must maintain social distancing from all participants.

• Consider offering virtual options for players and coaches who are at high risk. 

• Coaches, spectators, and participants not from the same household must maintain six feet of distance from one another at all times during training activities.

• Face coverings should be worn by coaches, youth sports staff, officials, parents, and spectators as much as possible. 

• Be sure to disinfect and clean balls before and after each training session while wearing PPE (face covering and latex gloves) by a viricidal cleaner (i.e. 70% alcohol solution or household bleach solution), and a disposable towel that can be disposed of immediately afterward.

• Where able, clubs are encouraged to provide soccer balls for training to ensure that balls are properly sanitized and stored before and after each training.

Club Responsibilities

Covid-19 Point Of Contact-

    Darrin Card- President Lakewood Soccer Club

    [email protected]


• Parents should notify the coach and the above Point-of-Contact if their child has a documented case of COVID-19, becomes sick with COVID-19 symptoms, or has been exposed to someone with COVID-19 symptoms or a confirmed or suspected case.

  • The Point-of-Contact, parents/ guardians, players, and other club members should be prepared to answer questions from their local health department or medical official related to possible COVID-19 cases.

Protocol Communication Plan

  • This plan could evolve over time.  Updated communication can be found at or on our Facebook page  Posters will be mounted in the equipment sheds at both the Woodland and Elementary School fields.  For urgent communication emails will be sent to all players parents/guardians.

  • In the event a participant or adult leader develops COVID-19 and may have been infectious to others while at a Lakewood Soccer Club activity the following plan will be followed

    • Point-Of-Contact person will immediately advise all board members of the situation

    • Point-Of Contact will report situation to coaches of all players who may have been in contact with infected person.  Coach will then distribute the information to players.

    • Point-Of-Contact person will report the situation to the following Officials

Ionia County Health Department
175 E. Adams St.
Ionia, MI 48846-1672
Phone: (616)527-5341

Barry-Eaton District Health Department
1033 Healthcare Dr
Charlotte, MI 48813-1058
Phone: (517) 541-2602

Lakewood Public Schools
Dr. Steven Skalka,
223 West Broadway
Woodland, Michigan  48897

Staff Training

    • The club will hold a training for all staff before the season starts reviewing the information in this document, state and local regulations, CDC recommendations, and other necessary safety information.

Shut Down Procedure

    • If a participant or adult leader develops COVID-19 and may have been infectious to others while at a Lakewood Soccer Club activity the club will immediately shut down and stop all in person operations including practice, training, and games and revert to Phase 1 of the MSYSA Return to Training guidance.  Sanitizing/ Waste Receptacles

    • Each coach will be supplied with a minimum 60% alcohol hand sanitizer to be distributed as needed throughout the season.  If more is needed the coach should contact the Program Leader. 

    • Each field will be supplied with a waste receptacle.

    • Individual equipment will be provided, and sanitizing/ PPE equipment will be provided.

    • Doors and/or gates that are used to access the training field, including equipment sheds, should be propped open during usage hours and sanitized at the end of each session.

Limit Gatherings

    • Games and/ or practices will be scheduled to limit the number of participants, coaches, and spectators in an area to meet state and local health protocols.

Coach Responsibilities

Individual Monitoring

    • Ensure you are healthy by monitoring yourself for signs and symptoms of COVID-19

    • Check your Temperature before activities with others, and remove yourself from activities if you have a temperature of at least 100.4 °F

      • If you test positive for COVID-19 or think you may have been exposed to someone who has COVID-19, stay home and contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible.

Player Safety

    • Ensure the health and safety of all athletes.  This includes enforcing proper social distancing, teaching, and reinforcing proper handwashing techniques, wearing cloth face coverings, whenever possible, and encouraging other healthy behaviors as described by the CDC.

    • Inquire regarding participant health status before, during, and after club activities using the supplied questionnaire.  Monitor for any COVID-19 symptoms and exposure.  If the individual has any symptoms or known exposure of COVID-19 they should be sent home and instructed to contact their healthcare provider as soon as possible.  The Point-Of-Contact person should be contacted immediately.

    • Inquire if each athlete has experienced any ill feelings of COVID-19 symptoms.  Send home anyone you believe acts or looks ill and advise them to contact their healthcare provider as soon as possible.  The Point-Of-Contact person should be contacted immediately.

    • Follow all state and local health protocols and guidelines.

    • Ensure athletes do not touch or share anyone else's water bottle, food, or bags

    • Ensure one coach is the only person to handle shared equipment (e.g. cones, balls, ect)

    • All training should be compliant with social distancing per state or local health guidelines.

    • Consider offering alternative training options, such as cohorting of players and limited mixing of different groups of players and coaches.

    • Have fun, stay positive, and be a positive role model for health behaviors- players and parents are looking to you for leadership and guidance. 

    • The use of scrimmage jerseys, or pennies, is not recommended at this time.

    • Discourage extended family, nonessential visitors, spectators, and volunteers from attending training.

    • For goalkeeper training, soccer balls should not be shared.  Plan for one soccer ball per goalkeeper.  If the goalkeeper is involved in an activity with field players and using his or her hands, use the goalkeeper's designated ball(s).

    • Preparation Areas

      • Plan ahead to prepare the field to best accommodate social distancing.

      • Create "Personal Prep Stations"

        • Set up a line of cones 6-feet apart in an area to the side of the training field.

        • Arrange 1 cone per participant (player, coach, referee, administrators, etc.)

        • When a participant arrives, designate a cone as their "personal prep station" for the duration of the training session.  The individual should place their bags, water bottles, towels, personal hand sanitizer, etc at this cone.

    • Masks/ Face Covers/ Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

      • All participants (coaches, players, referees, instructors, administrators) are recommended to wear new or clean PPE upon arrival, departure, and when not physically active during activities.

      • PPE should cover the nose and mouth, be breathable, consist of cotton or wick-type material and follow CDC guidelines.

      • PPE should be disposed of or thoroughly cleaned after each training session.

      • Provided all screening, hygiene and social distancing measures are followed, masks are not mandatory for players/ coaches/ referees/ instructors/ participants during exertional moments of training (i.e. when physically active),  PPE may obscure vision, increase respiratory challenges, and increase other injury risk while being physically active.

        • For players that choose to wear PPE While physically exerting themselves, the following should be considered:

          • Discuss with your primary care physician if any medical conditions predispose you to avoid the use of a face cover while participating in physical activity.

          • PPE should be breathable and not prevent or disrupt ventilation.

          • PPE should not obscure the individual's vision.

          • PPE should not pose a risk to another participant

          • PPE should be in good maintenance, at the responsibility of the individual.

    •     Parents and guardians are not encouraged to attend training and should stay away from the training field.

      • Accompanying parents and guardians are encouraged to stay in their cars or depart the area while their child is training.

      • Not that anytime there is one coach alone with players, there should be one adult (designated parent) observing from a distance, in accordance with the Safe Soccer Framework and the U.S. Center for SafeSport policies and guidance.

Parent Responsibilities

    • Ensure your child is healthy and check your child's temperature before activities with others.   The CDC considers a temperature of 100.4 °F or greater as feverish.  If you child has experienced any feelings of being ill, or any COVID-19 symptoms, do not send your child to practice.

    • Parents should notify the coach and the Point of Contact if their child has a documented case of COVID-19, becomes sick with COVID-19 symptoms, or has been exposed to someone with COVID-19 symptoms or a confirmed or suspected case.  The Point of Contact, parents/ guardians, players, and other club members should be prepared to answer questions from their local health department or medical official related to possible COVID-19 cases.

    • Consider not carpooling or very-limited carpooling.  The CDC encourages player to ride to the sports event with a person living in their same household.

    • Stay in car or adhere to social distance requirements.  The CDC recommends a distance of 6 feet between yourself and people outside of your home

    • When at training, wear a face covering if outside your car.

    • Ensure child's clothing is washed after every training, using the warmest appropriate settings.

    • Notify your coach immediately if your child becomes ill for any reason.

    • Do not assist your coach with equipment before or after training.

    • Be sure your child has their own necessary sanitizing products with them at every training.  Hand sanitizer should contain at least 60% alcohol.  Sanitizing products should not be shared with people from a different household.

    • Please do not bring shared snacks for the team.  Food brought to the field should be pre-packaged boxes or bags.  Avoid sharing food or utensils.

    • Discourage extended family, nonessential visitors, spectators, and volunteers from attending training.

    • Be sure to disinfect and clean balls before and after each training session while wearing PPE (face covering and latex gloves) by a viricidal cleaner (i.e. 70% alcohol solution or household bleach solution), and a disposable towel that can be disposed of immediately afterward.

    • Please ensure to use the designated waste receptacles to dispose of any trash.

    • Parents and guardians are not encouraged to attend training and should stay away from the training field.

      • Accompanying parents and guardians are encouraged to stay in their cars or depart the area while their child is training.

      • Not that anytime there is one coach alone with players, there should be one adult (designated parent) observing from a distance, in accordance with the Safe Soccer Framework and the U.S. Center for SafeSport policies and guidance.

    • Parents and guardians should not congregate together and should follow social distancing guidelines.

Player Responsibilities

    • Take your temperature daily and especially before activities with others.  The CDC considers a temperature of 100.4 °F or greater as feverish.  

    • Wash hands thoroughly before and after training with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or with hand sanitizer.

    • Bring, and use, hand sanitizer with you at every training.  It should contain at least 60% alcohol.

    • Wear face covering before and after all training sessions.  This protects others in the event that you are unknowingly carrying the virus.

    • Do not touch or share anyone else's water bottle, food, or bags

    • Practice social distancing, place bags and equipment at least 6 feet apart.

    • No group celebrations, high 5's, hugs, handshakes, fist-bumps, etc

    • Follow all CDC guidelines as well as those of your local health authorities.

    • Field players should not handle the soccer balls with their hands unless wearing gloves.

    • Players are not required to have individual designated ball for training and use of shared balls between players is allowed in foot drills with avoidance of the use of hands.

    • Medical Clearance

      • For individuals with a pre-existing medical condition, written clearance from your physician for return to full participation in sport and activity is recommended.

      • For individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19, written confirmation of COVID-19 negative status and clearance from your physician for return to full participation in sport and activity is required.

      • For individuals who have experienced known COVID-19 exposure in the past 14 days, it is recommended you home quarantine for 14 days.

        • A written confirmation of COVID-19 negative status by your physician to return to play will be required.

      • For individuals who experienced any illness during shelter-in-place, written clearance from your healthcare provider that you are COVID-free is required.  Contact your and follow the physician recommendations above for return to play.

      • Be prepared to report the onset of any new symptoms immediately.  Contact your physician and follow the recommendations above for return to play.

      • Individuals who may be at increased risk of COVID-19 (including but not limited to >65y/o, chronic cardiac or respiratory conditions including hypertension or diabetes, or have an immunocompromised state) should see guidance by their medical professional as to their participation.

      • Provided all screening, hygiene and social distancing measures are followed, masks are not mandatory for players/ coaches/ referees/ instructors/ participants during exertional moments of training (i.e. when physically active),  PPE may obscure vision, increase respiratory challenges, and increase other injury risk while being physically active.

        • For players that choose to wear PPE While physically exerting themselves, the following should be considered:

          • Discuss with your primary care physician if any medical conditions predispose you to avoid the use of a face cover while participating in physical activity.

          • PPE should be breathable and not prevent or disrupt ventilation.

          • PPE should not obscure the individual's vision.

          • PPE should not pose a risk to another participant

          • PPE should be in good maintenance, at the responsibility of the individual.

General Guidelines

    The chart below will be used to determine Lakewood Soccer Clubs level of training activities.  It is important to understand that the levels can be upgraded or downgraded at any time.  

  • We will not be participating in games until we reach phase 6 in all three regions in which we operate or guidelines otherwise allow.

Phase 1-3

  • If we drop to Phase 3 or below in any of our regions we will suspend in person training and games until we are back into Phase 4 or above.

Phase 4.  Individual and Small Group Training

  • Maximum of nine players and one coach allowed (or less, based on state/ local social distancing guidelines).  Teams can be split into groups meeting the requirement.  Players on split teams should remain consistent.

  • Maintain COVID-19 mitigation and incident action plans

  • Training session plans will be passed out.

    • Players should be set up in individual spaces, large enough for players to be respectful of social distancing.  The space provided should therefore be at >6 square feet per player.

    • The coach should not be within 6 feet of any player.

    • Progressions between activities should be setup prior to players arriving to enable smooth transition and negate the need for players to move equipment.  The players should not move or setup equipment.

    • Assign areas for warm up and cool down.

    • Throw-in will be avoided.

    • No Heading of the Ball.

    • Participants should not touch each other before, during, or after training.  This includes hugs, high-fives, or part of training activities.

    • Training sessions should be no longer than 60 minutes.

    • PPE (masks or face covering) should continue to be worn by all participants when not participating in physically exertional activities

Phase 5

    • Full Team Training- games and/or large gatherings not allowed

    • Maintain COVID-19 mitigation and incident action plans.

    • This phase includes increased activities and exposure risks, any individuals with preexisting conditions are encouraged to provide UPDATED written clearance from their physician. 

    • PPE (masks or face covering) should continue to be worn by all participants when not participating in physically exertional activities; however, coaches should especially plan ahead for “PPE breaks” to avoid the discomfort or respiratory challenges that heat and humidity may cause during the summer months. 

      • Clubs may consider creating socially distance “Family Zones” for members of the same household to watch training, clearly marked and spaced at least six feet from the next family’s zone. 

      • All previous recommendations regarding daily medical clearance, training prep, facilities cleanings, check ins and individual stations should continue to be followed

      • With increased equipment usage anticipated be mindful of sterilization procedures.  All field equipment (e.g. flags, balls, and cones) should be disinfected prior to the start of the session.

Phase 6

    • Full Team Competitions- No Restrictions

      • No restrictions related to COVID-19

      • Games and tournaments can be held


Lakewood Soccer Club
PO BOX 659 
Lake Odessa, Michigan 48849

Email: [email protected]

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