COVID19 Training Resources
Viking Kidz (U6-U8)
Viking CASL (U9 and Up)
U6 U8 Coaches
U9+ Coaching Philosophy
U9+ Coaching Resources
Concussion Training Policy
Code Of Conduct Policy
Website Manager
Promoting sportsmanship, team-play, and self-confidence.
Promoting sportsmanship, team-play, and self-confidence.
COVID19 Training Resources
Viking Kidz (U6-U8)
Viking CASL (U9 and Up)
U6 U8 Coaches
U9+ Coaching Philosophy
U9+ Coaching Resources
Concussion Training Policy
Code Of Conduct Policy
Lakewood Soccer Club By-laws
Lakewood Soccer Club By-laws
as of 07/02/2019
Lakewood Soccer Club Mission Statement: The purpose of the Lakewood Soccer Club is to develop young players who are truly interested in being the best soccer players possible. Our philosophy is to allow kids to have fun while they learn sportsmanship, team play, and self-confidence.
To accomplish this, the club will raise funds to sponsor Lakewood Soccer Club teams, including any monies necessary to cover the cost for any child who wishes to play but cannot afford the related fees.
An additional goal of the Lakewood Soccer Club is to become and remain self-supporting and self-reliant, as well as to support the Lakewood High School soccer teams and remain as a non profit organization forever.
Our primary objective is to develop the best Lakewood Varsity Soccer team we can - "State Champs"!
Article I
Section 1
There shall be a Board of Directors with the following positions: President, Vice President,
Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Community Representative, and two or more Trustees.
Section 2
The positions of President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Community
Representative, and two or more trustees shall be voted on each year at the annual Fall meeting.
These new officers shall assume the position immediately. Advisors of the Board are non voting
Section 3
The Directors shall have sole control of all matters involving the Lakewood Soccer Club, and shall
be the final decision makers.
Section 4
All Directors must be notified of a meeting when scheduled, but only three (3) unrelated
Directors need be present to hold an official meeting and conduct business.
Section 5
Each Director shall have only one (1) vote, and simple majority shall rule in decision making
with a show of hands.
Section 6
If a Director should resign or pass away during their term that position shall be appointed by the
remaining Directors.
Section 7
No person may hold more than one board position at one time.
Article II
Duties of Directors:
Section 1
President: The President shall have general control of all Lakewood Soccer Club functions and
meetings; shall interpret all bylaws, rules, and regulations; and shall be co-named on all club
financial instruments.
Section 2
Vice President: The Vice President shall assume all duties of the President in the President's
absence and any other duties that the Directors deem necessary. The Vice President shall also
assume the position of Acting President, should the current President decide to step down or
resign from the position before his/her term is fulfilled. This assumption shall continue until a
meeting can be scheduled and held to resolve the vacancy by nomination and vote of Directors.
Section 3
Community Representative: The Representative shall attend all necessary league/community
meetings and keep the club in compliance with the league and state rules. She/he shall
coordinate all league games, including referee and field assignments.
Section 4
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall report, at each meeting, the running total of all club monies.
There must be a motion and vote to accept the report. The Treasurer shall have general control
of club monies and be co-named on all club financial instruments. All monies taken in or paid
out shall be recorded in official club books. These books shall be audited each year at the annual
Fall meeting.
Section 5
Recording Secretary: The Recording Secretary shall: take minutes of all meetings; keep a
permanent record of such minutes; keep Directors informed of all important league dates, rule
changes, and important functions; work with the Treasurer on bill payments; take care of all
league sign-ups; and handle all correspondence. The Secretary may keep petty cash (no more
than $100) on hand and must report at each club meeting the amount on hand for the Treasurer
to record. Recording Secretary shall also fulfill all duties of the club registrar.
Section 6
Advisor: The Advisor shall inform the club of changes in rules and regulations of the Michigan
High School Soccer program.
Article III
Section 1
Meetings shall, at the Directors' discretion, be either closed to board members only or open for
the public to attend.
Section 2
Anyone may be present at open meetings, i.e. parents, coaches, etc. These guests may voice their
opinions, so long as it is done in an orderly manner and in no way disrupts the business at hand.
Section 3
If a situation arises that requires a vote, but there is not enough club business to justify a
meeting, any board member may contact the president on the issue. The President may call all
Directors to determine their vote on the subject. The subject must then be discussed at the next
regular meeting and the vote entered into the minutes.
Article IV
Elections and Nominations:
Section 1
Nominations may be made by an adult member of a soccer player's family, by a coach, or by a
Section 2
Elections shall be held each year during the Annual Fall meeting for the following positions:
President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Community Representative Advisor,
and the two Trustees.
Section 3
There shall be only one vote per family, coach, or Director.
Article V
Team Fees & Refunds:
Section 1
Every effort will be made to include as many players as possible on Lakewood Soccer Club teams.
However, in the event that there are more players than team positions, the entire fee will be
returned to all players who cannot be placed on a team. Once a player has registered and paid,
no monies will be refunded to that player unless the registration and fees have been received
after the July 28th date noted on the registration form AND there are no spots available in the
player's respective age group to be placed on the roster.
Section 2
A Release of Responsibility form must be dated and signed by the player's parent before the
player may try out or participate in the Lakewood Soccer Club.
Article VI
Section 1
In the event that the Lakewood Soccer Club disbands, all club monies shall be donated to the
Lakewood High School Soccer Program. All equipment shall be donated to the Lakewood Public
Schools. This bylaw cannot be amended.
ADDENDUM: Lakewood High School Nonprofit EIN is 38-1687080 Lake Odessa, Michigan.
Article VII
Section 1
If a situation arises where no rule of order exists, then the club Directors shall act on the matter
and develop a new rule.
Section 2
All bylaws (except Article VI, Disbanding) can be amended by a simple majority vote of the
Lakewood Soccer Club
PO BOX 659
Lake Odessa, Michigan 48849
[email protected]
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