All head coach positions (Tackle & Cheer) are open as of 1/1/22. If you are interested in posting for a Head Coach position for the 2020 season please email a letter of intent here
The letter of intent needs to be sent by February 10th. No exceptions unless we have a team still “open” with no Head Coach.
A letter of intent is not necessary for assistant coaches. But the Head Coach needs to submit who their assistants will be by July 11th for the E-Board to vote and approve who you selected.
For Flag Coaches please email here
The Head Coaches’ obligations begin on March 1st 2020 and voted on in the February 2020 board meeting. Good Standing status will be measured from March through December of the current year.
Individuals interested in becoming a member must meet all American Youth Football/American Youth Cheer, Shoreline Youth Football & Cheer Conference, requirements. No person with a criminal record, that may be deemed a hazard to the youth of Torrington Warriors Youth Football & Cheer, will be eligible to be a member.
Those interested will be requested to fill out a volunteer background check waiver form for the league to process the review. This applies to all coaches, Cheer, Tackle and Flag
All details as it pertains to the roles and responsibilities of all positions can be found here