Instructions for NELL Volunteers
Step 1: Apply for and Gather All Required Clearance Documentation
Each of these are required by PA State Law for ALL volunteers.
- A Picture of Your Driver’s License
- Pennsylvania State Background Check
- Child Abuse Clearance
- Must be current within the last 5 years
- Click here ( and either create an account to begin a new application or log in to your account to access a prior application or submit a new application
- FBI Clearance
Step 2: Sign-Up to Volunteer through NELL’s Registration System
You will not be able to complete this step unless you have all documentation from Step 1 ready to upload.
- Go to NELL’s registration site ( and log in to your account.
- In the top right corner, click “Account” from the drop-down menu.
- Click “Volunteer” from the menu on the left side.
- Click “Find Volunteer Roles.”
- Select the volunteer role you wish to fulfill and follow the registration process, which will include uploading all of your clearances from Step 1.
Step 3: Complete Your Little League Volunteer Application
- Once all of your paperwork has been reviewed and approved by the League’s Safety Officer, you will receive an email with a link to complete your Little League Volunteer Application through JDP.
- The email will come directly from JDP (not NELL).
- This is required annually by Little League International for all volunteers.
- While the email states it takes 15 minutes to complete, in actuality, it takes approximately 2 minutes.
Step 4: Complete Your Little League Child Abuse Awareness Training Through USA Baseball
- Go to USA Baseball (
- Click “Sign in/Register” and enter all required information.
- Be sure to select NELL from the “Little League – Local Leagues” drop-down menu and click “+Join.”
- If you have an existing account, click your name in the top right corner, select “MY ACCOUNT,” and then “UPDATE MY PROFILE” to link your account with your local Little League.
- Complete the Abuse Awareness for Adults course (Takes approximately 15 minutes):
- Click “EDUCATION.”
- Select “COURSES.”
- Click “Abuse Awareness for Adults” → “+Enroll” → “Go to Course.”
- Complete the course.
- If you have completed the Abuse Awareness for Adults course in the past and need an updated certificate, select the “Restart Course” button.
- Note: There is no need to download and email your course completion certificate if you are affiliated with NELL during enrollment.
Note: No coach or volunteer is permitted to have any contact with their team until ALL 4 Steps are completed above.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with NELL and for helping us make this a safe, fun, and rewarding experience for the children within our community!
If you need any assistance with the steps above, please contact the NELL Safety Officer: Mike Lynch ([email protected])