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Warrington - Warwick Softball Organization


Become A Volunteer

Consider volunteering. There are so many needs that you don’t have to be an expert on softball to help out. This list highlights how you can help our youth softball organization and share the experience with your child.

Don’t complain…Volunteer!

Managers (Head Coach) – A big commitment needless to say, but help is always needed for teams ages 4 to 12 (Instructional to Majors). No experience is necessary and there are plenty of “seasoned veterans” and other resources to assist you. The league of course furnishes all the needed playing equipment. We hope you will teach the game of softball through shared knowledge and provide the training skills necessary for the players to be successful. We also expect you to work with each child’s abilities, build their self-confidence and promote team sportsmanship. Should be a good communicator to explain and demonstrate skills. Will be a good role model.

Assistant Coach – To assist the Team Manager in all duties, take control in Manager’s absence. We expect you to promote team sportsmanship. There can be the following coaches: Pitching, Catching, Batting, Base Running, Fielding, and Bench Coaches. Must be able to demonstrate and explain skills to the players, and work within their abilities. Will be a good role model.

Team Support – This is one of our most important volunteer positions. Without team support the load of field maintenance, and other support type roles falls on the Head and Assistant Coaches. Volunteer to assist the coach in calling kids for practices and games. Organize any team activities such as pictures, parties, trophies, snacks, etc. Rake the fields before and after games, line fields for the game, and come out to help make WWSO one of the best organizations with top level facilities in the area. Let your team manager know that you are willing to do this.

Team Sponsor – We ask for a small donation to the softball organization. In return your company name will be set on the back of a team uniform. Sponsoring a team is a great way to participate. Additionally, there are multiple levels of sponsorship available.

District, State and Region Tournaments – Each year, our league will participate in the Official Little League (District, State and Regional) games, which could be hosted at Barness Park. The games have traditionally been held during July and could run through July into August. Volunteers are needed to prep the field and provide scorekeeping and overall supervision of each event. Proceeds from these tournaments are used to offset operational costs of WWSO including field improvements, equipment purchases, etc.

Child Protection Law Changes in PA

To all WWSO Volunteers:

Recently, legislation has been enacted to improve how Pennsylvania responds to child abuse. Please read below to understand the impact these laws have on you and WWSO.

The definition of who is now considered a MANDATORY REPORTER of suspected child abuse has been expanded to include paid and unpaid (i.e volunteers) who, on the basis of their role as an integral part of a regularly scheduled program, activity or service, accepts responsibility for a child or has direct contact with a child.


All coaches, assistant coaches and trainers are now considered mandatory reporters effective January 1, 2015. If you do not perform one of these roles but meet the definition of a mandatory reporter (above) in your role within WWSO then you are a mandatory reporter.

Click here to see further information:


Click here to see further information: 


A mandated reporter must make a report of suspected child abuse if they have reasonable cause to suspect that a child is a victim of child abuse.  Note that your identity remains confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone. You are also immune from civil and criminal liability as long as the report was made in good faith.  Click here to see further information:  INSERT LINK SIMILAR TO WYB


Reporters must make an immediate and direct report of suspected child abuse to ChildLine either electronically at or by calling 1-800- 932-0313.  Reporting up or within WWSO is not an acceptable form of reporting.  AFTER you report the suspected abuse you are required to contact WWSO.


Effective July 1, 2015, all mandatory reporters within WWSO must be identified and specific background checks will be required as mandated by these new laws. 

Contact Us

Warrington - Warwick Softball Organization

Warrington - Warwick Softball Organization, 2750 Bristol Rd
Warrington, Pennsylvania 18976

Email: [email protected]

Warrington - Warwick Softball Organization

Warrington - Warwick Softball Organization, 2750 Bristol Rd
Warrington, Pennsylvania 18976

Email: [email protected]
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