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Saint Ignatius Athletic Association

Girls Volleyball

Welcome to St. Ignatius Girls Volleyball 2021-2022

Registration Information

Registration - closed 

Athletic Association Fee - A one time yearly family fee of $60   

Levels of Play

3rd -4th grade  - Instructional League
5th -8th grade  - Organized in the Following Levels after Evaluations:
                           A Level - Top Competitive Team
                           B1 Level -Second Competitive Team
                           B Level - Combo/Recreational Team
Coordinators:   Courtney Arling 
                         Angela Roos 
Jen Obert 
  email: [email protected] 


*** Changes in  2020 -2021 registration due to corona virus****

     PLease note, at time of registering your daughter for volleyball online, ONLY the FAMILY FEE will be charged to your credit card. We are not having families pay for the sport participation at this time due to so many uncertainties of our season. Girls Volleyball will plan to hand out jerseys in August, date to be announced when more is known of school opening and any restrictions, and ALL VOLLEYBALL PAYMENT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE SEASON will be due upon jersey pick up by check made out to the  St Ignatius Athletic Association. Failure to pay during the August jersey handout time frames will result in not being able to participate in try outs or player evaluations and  player will not placed on a Team. 

Important Time Frames - Dates to be Announced

August- we hope to hold various clinics for all age groups, dates to be announced upon virus restrictions

Early September - Open gym times will be announced for grades 5th - 8th to prepare for Evaluations

Mid September - Two evaluations will be announced for grades 5th -8th to place players.
                           * It is strongly recommended to attend both evaluations.
                           * Players must attend at least one.

Late September - 3rd -4th graders will have a one day evaluation to divide players equally .

October - Practice to begin for all grade levels.

November- January - League games for all levels.

Summer Camps at St. Ignatius - Cancelled due to corona virus restrictions 
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