Baseball Divisions

South Marple sponsors the following baseball divisions:

T-Ball – (Coed Division) Little League Ages 4-5

T-Ball Baseball is for any player who want to learn the fundamentals of hitting and fielding.

In T-Ball, players hit a ball off a batting tee. The primary goals of T-Ball are to instruct children in the fundamentals of baseball and to allow them to experience the value of teamwork. No live pitching is permitted in this division. There are no umpires, final scores, or standings for this division. 

Rookies--(Coed Division and Coach Pitch) Ages 6

The Rookie Division builds on the skills introduced in T-Ball and provides additional instruction and more game-like experiences for the boys and girls who will be making the transition into the Senior Farm Division or Cadet Softball in the near future. The Rookie Division is comprised of mostly 6-year-olds who have played at least one year of T-ball. However, 7-year-olds with little or no experience may also play in the division with the approval of the Senior Farm or Softball commissioner. The Rookie Division is similar to T-ball in the following ways: a soft ball will be used; scores and standings will not be kept; and all players will get the same number of opportunities to bat. The difference between the Rookie Division and T-ball is that there will be additional instruction given—during games and practice—to help players learn the rules of the game, the different positions, and responsibilities while playing in the field. In addition, the games will be all coach-pitch, the teams will be smaller so the kids get more experience at different positions, and the boys and girls will be playing against teams made up of players of the same age and similar ability. Note: towards the end of the season, coaches may elect to use the pitching machine.

Senior Farm (Machine and Player Pitch) Ages 7-8

At this level, there is a combination of player pitch and machine pitch. Batters will be allotted a maximum number of pitches to keep the game moving. Players are taught the basics of baseball in this division. An umpire will be provided and every team will make the playoffs. 

Minors – (Player Pitch) Ages 9-10

This is the first division where players only pitch. Pitching is from a distance of 46 ft. Fundamental skills are stressed, but games move at a faster pace, game strategies are also taught. 

Majors – (Player Pitch ) Ages 11-12

This division is a competitive league designed to further develop baseball fundamentals.

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