Softball Divisions

South Marple sponsors the following softball divisions:

Rookies--(Coed Division and Coach Pitch) Ages 6

The Rookie Division builds on the skills introduced in T-Ball and provides additional instruction and more game-like experiences for the boys and girls who will be making the transition into the Senior Farm Division or Cadet Softball in the near future. The Rookie Division is comprised of mostly 6-year-olds who have played at least one year of T-ball. However, 7-year-olds with little or no experience may also play in the division with the approval of the Senior Farm or Softball commissioner. The Rookie Division is similar to T-ball in the following ways: a soft ball will be used; scores and standings will not be kept; and all players will get the same number of opportunities to bat. The difference between the Rookie Division and T-ball is that there will be additional instruction given—during games and practice—to help players learn the rules of the game, the different positions, and responsibilities while playing in the field. In addition, the games will be all coach-pitch, the teams will be smaller so the kids get more experience at different positions, and the boys and girls will be playing against teams made up of players of the same age and similar ability. 


Players in the Cadet Softball Division must be 7 or 8 years old on January 1st of the current season. The players begin with parent-pitch and will transition to one or two innings of player pitch by the middle of the season. The players will play both infield and outfield during the game. The batting lineup is in running order whether the player has played defense that inning or not.

Minors (10U) and Majors (12U)

The 10U and 12U softball teams will compete against other community travel teams in the Del Val League.  The "U-10" label means it is for girls age 10 and under as of January 1st of the current season. There is actually limited “travel” involved. “Away" games are within a 20-30 minute drive in Delaware County.

If you want more information regarding the 10U or 12U Del Val team, please contact Mark Thompson at [email protected].

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