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Concussion Training

PARENTS READ -  OH Dept Health Concussion Info Sheet  &  What Parents Need to Know

COACHES TRAINING: What Coaches Need to Know

Starting April 26th, 2013, individuals are not allowed to serve as a coach or referee for a youth sports organization, whether volunteer or paid, without:

1) successfully completing, every three years, an online training program in recognizing the signs and symptoms of concussions and head injuries provided by the Ohio Department of Health


2) holding a Pupil Activity Permit (PAP) from the Ohio Department of Education.

**ALL LYBO Coaches must submit a Certificate of Completion or PAP certificate of completion, valid past 3 years**

There are three training courses that offer a certificate of completion upon successful passage:
  1. The NFHS course allows individuals and organizations to search for and track coaches who have completed the course. 
  2. The NAYS course - chapters can track coaches who have completed the course and are members of the NYSCA.  To find your own certificate of completion, log in to your free account again, click on the “Go to clinic” link for Concussion Training and select the “Access Your Certificate” link.
  3. The CDC course, which does not currently track or keep any personal information.  In order to print your certificate of completion, use the print button found within the training.  No records are kept by the CDC so you will not be able to return later to search for your certificate and if you stop before completion you must start over on your next visit to the site.
 Details about NFHS and NAYS courses:

 1.  National Federation of State High School Associations Concussion in Sports
  • This free on-line course is available through the NFHS. You will need to click the “order here” button and complete a brief registration form to take the course. Follow these steps to complete the course:
  • Click on the button that says, "please login to order."  In the window that appears, click "Register Now".
  • When your registration is complete you may "order" the free concussion course offered along the left hand side of the page.  Continue following prompts.  Although it may look like you'll be charged for the course, there is no cost.
  • Once you have completed "checkout," you'll be able to take the free online course.
  • When you have completed and passed the course, you have the option of printing a certificate of completion.
2.  National Alliance for Youth Sports (NAYS) Concussion Training
This free online course is available to all coaches and parents. To register, pass the course and obtain a certificate of completion you will need to follow these steps:
  • Click the “Sign Up” button and complete the brief registration form to create a free account.
  • From your account you will want to select the “Go to clinic” link to begin.
  • On the overview page you will need to select the “I want a certificate for this training” button to satisfy the Ohio law and obtain a certificate of completion.
  • Answer all of the exam questions for each section. When complete, an “Access Your Certificate” link will appear under the More Resources tab for easy printability of your certificate.
  • Existing NYSCA coaches and PAYS parents can also add concussion training for free to their existing account.
Other Resources:
- Heads Up Concussion FAQ Sheet - parent_athlete_info_sheet-a.pdf
- Little League CONCUSSIONS Info - 

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