During the 2022 Spring/Summer season all participants, coaches and spectators (and their guests) must agree to the following:
-My player, any spectators associated with us and I will adhere to six-foot physical distancing while at baseball facilities (except in an emergency).
-I will conduct daily symptom assessments on my player and self and we will stay home if we are not well
-I will ensure my athlete does not share water. It is recommended that they do not share equipment unless sanitized.
-My athlete will wear a face covering at all times while not in the field of play (i.e. while on the bench or out of the game it is expected that players will wear a face covering)
-We will not shake hands, high five, or have other physical contact at the facility.
-We will not spit, dip, eat seeds, gum or other similar products at the facility.
-I understand the parents and spectators must not enter the player areas (on field of play or bench areas) and must keep six-feet or more from the backstop.
-I understand that individuals should not congregate in common areas or parking lot following the events or practice.
-I will make any guests attending a game or practice aware of these requirements and I understand that their failure to comply may result in the removal of my player from LYBO for the rest of the season as a violation puts the entire organization at risk.
-I will ensure that my player and I follow COVID-19 related prevention measures included in the Responsible RestartOhio guidance.
Responsible Restart - Baseball2022.pdfOhio Current Close Contact Guidelines
COVID-19-Quarantine-FAQs.pdf (ohio.gov)
COVID-19: When to Quarantine | CDC