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Town 'N Country Baseball

Town 'N Country Baseball

Fair Play Concepts


Playing sports can be an exciting and enjoyable struggle for young athletes.  The feelings of being excited and having fun are closely tied to attitudes such as what you think and feel about the game, the other team, and how you view yourself.  Top athletes and coaches have a set of attitudes that we call “fair play”.  But what exactly is fair play?  Here are some of the key points.


Respect for the Other Team

It’s simple. You need the other team.  Without the other team, you can’t play.  So you need to show respect for the other players and coaches by treating them as needed partners, not as enemies.  When you play against a good, strong team that you respect, you usually play a better game.


Respect for Yourself

We know that how people look at things definitely influences what they do.  So, if you think of yourself as a good player, as an important part of the team, you are more likely to play like someone who sets goals for yourself, practices on your own, and performs well in games.  Fair play means that you believe in yourself and see yourself as important in some things, not everything. You are confident, but remain humble.


Cooperation with Officials

The rules of the game help you play the game better.  Fair play means that you go along with the rules and cooperate with the umpires, who are there for one main purpose-to make sure the game is played better.  If you are really honest with yourself and with the umpires, you’ll usually get more out of the game.


Getting involved

A good player wants to get into the game but also wants others to play.  Fair play means you defend the right to play both for yourself and for others.


Building the Team

To be a good team member, you need to get to know all of your teammates and coaches and to let them get to know you.  We are all different in ability and in skills.  Fair play is listening to each other, sharing ideas and strategies, and helping each other increase strengths and reach goals. In short--build each other up.  


Sticking Up for What You Believe

We all like to win, but it shouldn’t be at the cost of giving up what we believe in. If you believe in fair play and stick up for it, you will be respected.  It means taking a stand in favor of the things listed above.  It means letting others know that you value your teammates, the other team, yourself, and the rules of the game. 


Town 'N Country Baseball
7301 Baseball Avenue 
Tampa, Florida 33634

Email: [email protected]

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