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Arbutus Little League - Since 1953, Everyday a Hit!

Juniors (13-14yo)


  • League Age 13 to 14 year olds. Use the Little League Age Charts.
  • This division has player pitchers and is competitive, so scores and standings are kept.
  • The players are taught to understand tactics and strategies and improve their skills. 
  • The role of the coaches is to develop skills and encourage (and demonstrate) good sportsmanship. The game is about the kids having fun and learning.
  • Coaches conduct practices before and during the season.
  • Each team will have no more than 12 players.
  • Each team needs a head coach/manager and 2 assistant coaches
  • This league will travel sometimes to South Baltimore Little League to play inner-league
  • The season typically runs from April to the end of school in June. 


  • Games are played twice per week - one weekday game (starting at 6 pm) and one on Saturday (start times vary).  Games are only scheduled on Sundays when the league needs to move them due to a city event or bad weather. 
  • Rainouts are to be played on the next available date.

Location - Games are played at our fields and at South Baltimore Little League at 1101 E. Fort Avenue, Locus Point neighborhood in Baltimore.

Player's Equipment

  • All players will be provided with a team shirt, baseball pants, hat, socks, and belt.
  • Cleats are recommended for players.
  • Athletic supporters are recommended for boys.  
  • All male catchers are REQUIRED to wear an athletic supporter with a cup.
  • Bats and helmets are provided. Players must provide their own glove
  • See Tips for Parents and Players webpage for info on getting the proper bat, helmet and glove.


  • Each team must have a manager/head coach and 2 assistant coaches. 
  • FREE Coaches Clinic in mid-March. 
  • See Coaches Corner page for info on info on practice plans, drills, and position instructions.

Game Rules

Junior League plays by Little League Rules, which have been amended by Arbutus LL as follows:

  • Length of Play - 3 hours or 6 innings, whichever come first.  When the time limit is reached in the middle of an inning, the score shall revert to end of the last completed inning.
  • 10-Run Mercy Game Rule - When at the end of 4 or more innings, a team is ahead by 10 runs or more, the game may be declared "over" with the team ahead noted as the winner.
  • 5-Run Inning Rule - There is a max of 5 runs per inning per team.
  • Dropped 3rd strike rule is applied.
  • Scores and standings are kept.
  • 9 players are required to start an official game.   
  • Pool players shall be accepted.  When there are not enough players, the coaches may agree to play an unofficial game, but umpires may opt-out of an unofficial game.
  • All players must play a minimum of 2 innings, 1 at-bat, and be in the game for 6 consecutive innings
  • Players in attendance at the start of the game shall be in the line-up and bat their turn.
  • Stealing - The ball must reach the batter before runners may attempt to advance. No stealing is allowed when the catcher is returning the ball to the pitcher.
  • Adults are not allowed to warm-up a pitcher on the field.
  • Offensive coaches must be in the coaches box at 1st and 3rd base when their team is at-bat.  Defensive coaches are not allowed on the field except during a time-out.
  • There is NO on-deck arm warm-ups in or around the dugout.  U
  • No head-first diving at any base or home plate.
  • Catchers must wear a catcher's helmet, catchers mill, chest protector, and shin guards.  Males must wear an athletics supporter and cup.
  • Spectators are NOT allowed in the dugouts or immediately behind the backstop.


  • Teams are encouraged to arrive at the field 30 minutes prior to their game to warm-up.
  • Teams are to store the bases in the shed boxes, and rack the fields after each game.

Arbutus Little League

5525 Shelbourne Rd 
Arbutus, Maryland 21227
Email : [email protected]
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