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Portland Youth Soccer Association

Portland Youth Soccer Association

PYSA Fall Shootout

PYSA is proud to announce this year we will again be hosting the 2024 Fall Tournament, information and changes are listed below.

Dates: Saturday, November 2nd and Saturday, November 9th

Registration questions contact Tim at [email protected] 

CLICK HERE for the Tournament Schedule

To register click this link  CLOSED

CLICK HERE For registration instructions

CLICK HERE For Tournament Rules

CLICK HERE For Schedules

CLICK HERE  For Bracket Explanations-Consolation Games, Semifinals, and Finals

Register by GRADE, see the grade and age chart below

U8 2nd Grade

U9 3rd Grade

U10 4th Grade

U11 5th Grade

U12 6th Grade

U13 7th Grade

U14 8th Grade

3 game minimum (Generally speaking 2 games on Nov 2nd and 1 game on Nov 9th unless you make the final then 2 games on Nov 9th)

Locations for tourney by age group

U8 at Buckman - Field Map

U9-U10 Delta - Field Map for Delta Park

U11-U12 at Buckman - Field Map

U13-U14 at Delta, Lents, and Buckman - Field Map for Delta - Field Map for Buckman

This year Teams / Clubs from outside of Portland Youth Soccer Association may be participating this year. This means a very nice cross-section of teams from clubs in Portland and the surrounding areas will be participating this year. Sign up ASAP as last year we grew over 35% and we may need to close registration early.. Right now the deadline to register is October 17th, but if we fill age group slots we may have to close registration down early. A minimum of 4 spaces per age group will be available after these are filled a waitlist will be created. The waitlist will be utilized on a first-come basis.

NO All-star teams will be allowed into the tournament this year. Teams will be able to have guest players (See below for quantity and definition). Please note the intent of the tournament is for the enjoyment of RECREATIONAL teams. Stacking a team for the tournament is not in the SPIRIT of what this tournament is about. Any team found doing so would forfeit all games.

Also, no players are allowed to play who are registered or have been playing or played competitively this fall (This includes those playing U8-10 playing in the SUNDAY OYSA Development league). NO EXCEPTIONS.

First place teams will receive the following
Coaches: First place trophy
Players: Custom first place medal

Second place teams will receive the following
Coaches: Second place trophy
Players: Custom second-place medal


U8 Teams $230 (No more than 8 players on your roster, recommend 6 players, play 4v4) Two 20 minute halves. No more than 2 guest players.

U9-10 Teams $335 (No more than 14 players on your roster, recommend 10, play 7v7) Two 20 minute halves. No more than 4 guest players.

U11-12 Teams $365(No more than 18 players on your roster, recommend 13, play 9v9) Two 25 minute halves. No more than 5 guest players.

U13-14 Teams $395 (No more than 18 players on your roster, recommend 16, play 11v11) Two 25 minute halves. No more than 5 guest players.

Guest player definition:  A guest player is used in lieu of another player on your team who could not or chose not to attend the tournament. The guest player policy is not in place to have coaches to deselect players on their team and then select players for their team to compete in the tournament. The spirit of this rule is to allow your team to compete in the tournament because without getting guest player (s) you may not have been able to.

Number of games Each team will play 3 games minimum

Number of referees for games

U8 thru U10 One Referee

U11 thru U14 One Center referee and two Assistant referees for Semi and Finals. All other games One Referee


Portland Youth Soccer Association
8285 SW Nimbus Ave, 151
Beaverton, Oregon 97008

Phone: 503-646-6683
Email: [email protected]

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