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Oyster River Youth Association

ORYA Tournament Team Selection Process

The ORYA basketball program provides an opportunity for players who are looking to experience more challenging practice and play than what the regular basketball season offers in the form of a tournament team participation. The ORYA Basketball tournament team opportunity provides players additional practice time and experience in stronger competition play.

Roster sizes will be between 9-15. Age group coaches will be responsible for nominating and ranking players based on season practice and play. Players skill, participation level, and overall attitude will be factors for tournament team nomination.  These results will be analyzed and the team selected by the age group coordinator in consultation with the Basketball program coordinator.

  • If two players are of equal ability, the priority will go to the player in the higher grade, i.e. an 8th grader would get priority over a 7th grader
  •  In the case of an injured player, selection would be determined by special request to the age group coordinator and Basketball program coordinator. 
  •  In cases where a player has been “playing up” for the regular season, i.e. a 4th grader playing up with a 5th-6th grade team, that player will ONLY be eligible for nomination for a 5th-6th grade tournament team. Players “playing up” will not be eligible for nomination for their ACTUAL grade level tournament team

Tournament team coaches are selected by the age group coordinator and the Basketball program coordinator.  Coaches are chosen based on their proven ability to teach the fundamentals of the game, run substantive practices, treat kids, referees and parents with respect, and maintain a professional presence on and off the court.

Coaches interested in being a tournament team coach should reach out to the age group coordinator with their request.

Practices will be held on Sundays, ONLY until the regular basketball season is over, this is due to facility scheduling. Practices start around early February or later. Once regular season practices are completed, tournament team practices will increase to 2-3x per week, practice days and times will be decided upon by facility availability.

The basketball tournament season will encompass 1-4 tournaments per team, dependent on age group and availability of tournaments. The ORYA Basketball tournament will be 1 of the tournaments the team participates in. Families of selected players will be expected to volunteer in some aspect of the ORYA Basketball tournament. Participation in other tournaments will be decided upon by the tournament team coach in consultation with the age group coordinator and Basketball program coordinator.

Playing time is NOT equal on tournament teams. Game play, size of team, and tournament requirements will dictate playing time along with player attitude and participation. All players should expect to play in games no matter what.

Participants on a tournament team will have varying registration costs, due to the number of tournaments a team participates in. Tournament participation is generally $20 per player, per tournament. Tournament team registrations will require a deposit of $20 with the calculated, remaining cost communicated once your full schedule is determined.

2016-2017 Basketball Information

ORYA Basketball 2016-2017
This winter will offer a new Advisory Group (AG) of volunteers the opportunity to provide a greatly improved basketball experience for ORYA participants.  Planning began when the temps were in the 90's and through summer camps and open gyms we hope most players will come to the start of the season already in mid-season form.  

Grades K-2
ORYA's K and Grades 1&2 Basketball Program will be most players first experience with the sport.  The overall goal is to develop each players passion for the sport by allowing them to have fun while developing their technical skills.  Fun games, exercises, races & challenges are used to create a fun environment where players are able to compete against themselves.  

Meeting only on Saturdays players will work with players of their own age or ability level.  Each week players will have a mix of fun exercises and simulated games.  Non-marking shoes, athletic clothing, plenty of fluids and a good attitude are required.  

Saturdays |
Start Date: January 7th
End Date: March 11th

Kindergarten | 8:00-9:00am | Mast Way Gym
1st Graders | 11:00-12:00 | Moharimet Gym
2nd Graders | 12:00-1:00 | Moharimet Gym

*No sessions Feb. 25 & March 4

Game Schedule

Game Schedule

Grades 3rd-4th Girls Click HERE

Grades 3rd-4th Boys Click HERE

Grades 5th-6th Girls Click HERE

Grades 5th-6th Boys Click HERE

Grades 7th-8th Girls Click HERE

Grades 7th-8th Boys Click HERE

Player Expectations

Please click HERE for player expectations.

Parent Guidelines

Click HERE for the info parental guidelines.

Basketball Program Mission

Welcome to ORYA basketball.   The following is a high level overview of the program.  You will be receiving more detailed information from your coach after your player is assigned to a team. 

The goal of the program is not to win championships.  The goal is to develop the skills necessary to enjoy playing basketball for years to come and also provide kids a means of exercise and experience working with other kids as part of a team.  Evaluations will take place for players in grades 3-8 and the results of the evaluations will be used to split up the teams evenly based on skill.  In grades 7-8, evaluation results will be used to select tournament teams.

Winter Open Gym

Open Gym Mission:

Open gym offers ORYA players the opportunity to play during the off season in a fun and relaxed environment.  The schedule is based on the availability of volunteer coordinators so please reach out if you're interested in helping support the open gym program.  You don't need to know basketball to oversee an open gym!  

Basketball Contact Information

Kevin Burt, Basketball Co-Coordinator
Email Kevin Burt

Wes Merritt, Basketball Co-Coordinator
Email Wes Merritt

Contact Us

Oyster River Youth Association

2 Dover Road 
Durham, New Hampshire 03824

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 603-868-5150
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