Learn to Skate
This program are for the floppy ankles, baby deer and banana peel steppin’ kids out there! Come to Churchill Rink and learn to skate with ORYA. Our program encourages young skaters to develop balance, skating muscles, falling the RIGHT way while having fun on the ice without the use of walkers or balance aids! Participants are welcome to wear any single blade hockey or figure skates (no double runners) since they’ll be learning the basics which translates to all skating. All participants are REQUIRED to wear a helmet and no participants, parents or guardians are allowed on the ice without skates.
Ages | 4-12
Time | 1:00-1:50
Session 2:
Saturdays | 1/7, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11
Cost | $125 per session
Figure Skating:
Currently our community has not developed enough interest to offer a local figure skating program. If you are interested in learning the art of figure skating ORYA recommends looking into what programs are offered at the Dover Ice Arena by clicking