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Code of Conduct

Delaware Soccer Association (DSA)

Delaware Knights Soccer Club (DKSC)

Delaware Recreational Soccer Club (DRSC)

Code Of Conduct


Every participant in the Delaware Knights Soccer Club (DKSC) and the Delaware Recreational Soccer Club (DRSC) must comply with this Code of Conduct. Hereinafter, a ‘participant’ is defined as a player, coach, team assistant, parent, guardian, spectator, trainer, referee, sub-contractor, employee, or a Delaware Soccer Association Board member (‘DSA Board’) who participates in any DKSC or DRSC program. Participants must comply with both a) the terms of this Code, and b) the rules/regulations of the league in which they participate.   


1)     Participants must never place winning or their own personal desires above the safety, welfare, and good sportsmanship of all participants. Advantage shall never be sought by violating the rules of soccer or by engaging in unsportsmanlike conduct. Regardless of the situation, Coaches shall not tolerate unsportsmanlike behavior by themselves or any participant of their own team.  Coaches and parents are required to teach and demonstrate good sportsmanship by both word and example.


2)     The rules of soccer are written to assure a continuous flow of action, while protecting the safety of the players.  Coaches must abide by the rules/regulations of their league and ensure that players and parents also abide by these rules and regulations.


3)     Participants in DKSC and DRSC must treat the participants on their team and on their opponent’s team in a courteous manner (the same way they would like opposing participants to treat them).  Coaches are responsible for the behavior of both their team and their team’s supporters at the field and park where they are playing.


4)     Coaches should be as inconspicuous as possible during the game. Instructions should be given during practice sessions.  During a game, instructions should be limited.


5)     Public or private criticism of officials by any participants is not permitted.  Participants must maintain a controlled, undemonstrative attitude toward officials.  VERBAL AND/OR PHYSICAL ABUSE OF REFEREES SHALL NOT BE TOLERATED.  DKSC and DRSC strive to foster good sportsmanship and a participant’s positive or negative example at games either greatly reinforces, or significantly undermines that effort.  Regardless of the skill level or success of a team or player, participants should be supportive.


6)     The following punitive actions apply to every Participant:

a.      Any participant in violation of this Code or any league rule/regulation will, depending on the time and place of the incident, be given either a verbal or written warning by a member of the DSA Board of Directors (‘DSA Board’).  The DSA Board will investigate reported incidents and notify the offender of its findings and levy sanctions as appropriate.


b.     If any individual violates this Code or any league rule/regulation for a second time in any calendar year, he/she will be deemed to be a repeat offender and the DSA Board shall take appropriate measures up to and including termination of any participation in DKSC and/or DRSC programs. Written notices of termination shall be given to the participant by a member of the DSA Board Of Directors.


c.      If any participant violates this Code or any league rule/regulation resulting in a referee sending a participant off the field and/or park, that individual shall be suspended for one game following the game where the incident occurred.  Such suspension shall be effective immediately upon the referee’s removal of the participant.  In addition, the DSA Board might impose further sanctions.


d.     If any participant violates this Code or any league rule/regulation, resulting in a referee cancelling the remainder of a game, that participant shall be suspended for two games following the game where the incident occurred.  Such suspension shall be effective immediately upon the referee’s cancellation of a game. In addition, the DSA Board might impose further sanctions.


e.     If any participant refuses to comply with the terms of the resolution and sanctions, the participant will be removed (immediately or thereafter) from their level of participation as deemed appropriate by the DSA Board.



P.O.BOX 1601 
DELAWARE, Ohio 43015

Email: [email protected]

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