It’s hard to believe...but Registration for DSA’s Fall 2024 Recreational Soccer season opens on Saturday, June 1st and ends on Saturday July 15th. DSA Soccer is for kids ages 3 through 8thgrade and the Fall season runs from September 7th through October 19th.
Registrations are processed on a first come – first serve basis and late registrations are assessed a $20 per player late fee since teams must then be re-formed/balanced to accommodate late registrations and pay for jersey rush orders after the registration deadline. Register on June 1st to assure placement.
Projected Game Days/Times for the
Delaware Recreational Soccer Club - DRSC
(Formerly named Delaware Youth Athletic Association - DYAA)
Fall, 2024
FALL SEASON RUNS 9/7/24 – 10/19/24
Although actual schedules cannot be prepared until the number of teams in each age bracket are finalized (which is determined by the number of registrations), the following illustrates the intended days/times for games (assuming a similar number of registrations as in prior seasons).
Any scheduled practice days/times are in addition to the games and determined by the coach once teams are formed and game schedules distributed.
Projected Games Days and Times: Fall, 2024
League Weekday Games Weekend Games
Girls PS/PK Monday or Tuesday, 6:00p Saturday, 9:30a or 11:00a
Girls K Monday, 6:00p Saturday, 9:30a
Girls 1st/2nd Tuesday, 6:00p Saturday, 9:30a
Girls 3rd/4th Monday or Tuesday, 6:00p Saturday, 11:00a or 12:30p
Girls 5th/6th Tuesday, 6:00p Saturday, 1:00p or 2:30p
Girls MSSA Wednesday or Thursday, 6:00p Saturday, 9:30a or 11:00a
Boys PS/PK Wednesday or Thursday, 6:00p Saturday, 11:00a or 12:30p
Boys K Wednesday, 6:00p Saturday, 11:00a
Boys 1st/2nd Wednesday or Thursday, 6:00p Saturday, 11:00a
Boys 3rd/4th Wednesday, 6:00p Saturday, 11:00a or 12:30p
Boys 5th/6th Wednesday, 6:00p Saturday, 1:00p or 2:30p
Boys MSSA Wednesday or Thursday, 6:00p Saturday, 9:30a or 11:00a