DYAA Lightning Policy
Please be aware of DYAA’s policy re: lightning and adhere to the following:
• All thunderstorms produce lightning and are dangerous. Lightning often strikes as far as 10 miles away from any rainfall. You are in danger from lightning
if you can hear thunder. You are in danger if you can see lightning. Lightning can also travel sideways for up to 10 miles and strike when skies are blue.
• Soccer fields are a dangerous place to be during a lightning storm. When lightning is seen or thunder is heard, or when dark threatening clouds are observed,
quickly suspend the game and/or practice and move to a safe location. Avoid standing in an open area, near soccer goals, under a tent, near trees or in water. The safest
place during a thunderstorm with or without visible lightning is in a car, but not a convertible.
In any of the circumstances outlined below occurs, the coach or referee should immediately suspend a game or practice:
1. If thunder is heard, the game should be suspended and the fields cleared. Everyone should immediately go to a safe shelter.
2. If lightning is seen, the game should be suspended and the fields cleared. Everyone should immediately go to a safe shelter.
3. If a thunderstorm is heard or seen coming or your hair stands on end, the game should be suspended and the fields cleared. Everyone should
immediately go to a safe shelter. Do not wait until it rains.
4. No one should retake the field or re-start the game or practice until all of the lightning and thunder or other hazardous weather has left the area. Specifically, no one should retake the filed for a minimum of 20 minutes after the last lightning is seen or thunder is heard, or dangerously high winds have passed.