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Calvert County American Little League


#1. Make sure to Confirm your School or Home address is within our CCALL Boundary: LEAGUE BOUNDARY

#2. RETURNING parents from a previous season can register by going to the LOGIN box.

#3. NEW/FIRST time parents will need to create an account by going to the REGISTER box.

#4. Make sure to Confirm your child's LEAGUE AGE by going to the following link:  LEAGUE AGE CALCULATOR

The Age Determination Date for a Little League Baseball player is the actual age of a child on August 31 of the current year. The Age Determination Date for a Little League Softball player is the actual age of a child on December 31 of the previous year.

To determine Little League age, please click on the following Little League Age charts:

#5. Please note that CHALLENGERS is our adaptive program for children with physical or mental challenges.

  • CCALL has adjusted age requirements in several divisions to better align with Little League International guidelines and feedback from the recent Core Team Survey. Please register your child in the division that corresponds with their League Age. If you have specific considerations, include them in the comment section during registration. Players will be evaluated during player assessments. Those requesting to move to a higher division must achieve an acceptable evaluation score and receive approval from the Player Agent for that program. If approved, we will manually transfer them to the appropriate division.
  • You are NOT signing your player up for a specific division or team. Requests are considered but not guaranteed. Division and team assignments are determined by CCALL Player Agents in accordance with CCALL and Little League International policies.
  • Payment is due at the time of registration.
  • Participants must submit Medical Releases to Manager at first practice and sign off on the Parent Code of Conduct.
  • Spring 2025 player evaluations are tentatively scheduled for February 6-9, 2025. Player drafts will occur the week following final evaluations. We will publish more information when we have additional details.
  • Click the link here for a list of EQUIPMENT
  • A $25.00 Late Fee will be assessed starting January 25, 2025 at 12:01 AM
  • You do not have to submit Proof of Residency or School Enrollment Form at time of Registration.
  • Tee Ball - Participants will receive a Jersey and Hat; Coach Pitch and Higher Divisions - Participants will receive a jersey, hat/visor and belt.

Division Information and Roster Size

General Roster Size Guidelines

  1. Unless specifically mandated by Little League Baseball Official Regulations, the League Player Agent has sole discretion in determining roster sizes to best accommodate players and teams.
  2. Divisions will be organized, whenever possible, with an even number of teams to optimize the use of available resources.
  3. Each team will have one Manager and up to three (3) assistant coaches. Note: up to three (3) coaches are allowed in the dugout at one time.
  4. Within the constraints of division makeup, player age, skill level, and the availability of qualified Players and Managers, rosters shall generally consist of:

  1. Players who are League Age 5-6 are permitted to advance to the Coach Pitch or Ponytail Division after participation
    in Tee Ball for one year per Regulation III.
  2. Participants League age 6 are permitted to advance to the Minor AA Player Pitch Division after participation in Tee
    Ball for one year, provided the maximum age limit in the Minor AA Baseball and Minor Softball Division remains
    league age ten (10) in accordance with Regulation III.
  3. Players who are League Age 8 may be drafted into the Minors Division if they achieve an acceptable evaluation score,
    with a request from the parent and approval from the Player Agent.
  4. Players who are League Age 9 may be drafted into the AAA Division if they achieve an acceptable evaluation score,
    with a request from the parent and approval from the Player Agent.
  5. Players who are League Age 9 or 10 may be drafted into the Majors Division if they achieve an acceptable evaluation
    score. This process requires a request from the player’s parent and approval from the Player Agent.
  6. Players who are League Age 12 may be drafted into the Juniors Division if they achieve an acceptable evaluation
    score, with a request from the parent and approval from the Player Agent.
  7. Players who are League Age 14 may be drafted into the Seniors Division if they achieve an acceptable evaluation
    score, with a request from the parent and approval from the Player Agent.
  8. If separate Juniors and Seniors Divisions are not feasible, players who are League Age 13-16 shall be drafted into a
    combined Juniors/Seniors Division. This ensures all eligible players can participate, regardless of division constraints.

Registration Listing


Seniors (15/16 Years Old) - Baseball

Registration closes on 04/01/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 04/05/2025 to 06/14/2025
Show Details


Majors (11/12 Years Old) - Softball

Registration closes on 02/11/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 04/05/2025 to 06/14/2025
Show Details
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