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Newbury Park Elite Football Club

Newbury Park Elite Football Club



4th place CSL Division 3

The progression of this team can be read through the difference of their record between the 1st and 2nd half of the season. 1st round 3-3-1 for 29 goals and 20 against, 2nd round 5-2-0 for 23 goals and 11 against. Considering that the Lions lost their keeper to an injury for the last 3 games of their first round, this helps to explain the difference. The chemistry between the players got better and better during the season.

"I think the overall team standings is my best memory for this team.  Not just because we finished 4th but because by watching it, I know where we had come from with this team. From the first meeting with the parents where we barely knew if we would have a team or not for the season, to the beginning of the birth of a group of friends playing with each other, and finally to this amazing fight and determination to take down the 1st team place team 1-0!"


Fall 2024 Season Bracket: CSL Division 3

Head Coach: Christelle Castillo
Manager: Fabian Padro

Check out our INSTAGRAM PAGE!



For more information, contact  Fabian Padro at (805) 490-9945

We are looking for 2 players


Christelle has been coaching for 28 years, including 10 years in France where she coached youth and adults, as well the Mediterranean selection GU16 and 18. She has a passion for the younger ages, helping with the development of boys and girls ages 7 to 12. She focuses on the fundamentals and technique with the ball.

Christelle’s approach is to let the player tell her what they like to do and she goes from there. They can only progress if they feel confident and are not afraid to miss. She feels that if a player knows how to carry the ball, he or she will not be afraid to have possession of it. Christelle’s philosophy is, “it is not about the result but the how.” A process is very important to get a result. Give your 100% today for the team without comparing yourself with anyone else. In the end, the only thing you can control is you. 

Christelle speaks fluent French and soccer is a big part of her family. Her husband (Josue) also coaches and their two boys play soccer. Christelle will never say “no” to a good margarita!



Newbury Park Elite Football Club
107 N. Reino Rd., #141
Newbury Park, California 91320

Phone: 805-204-7525
Email: [email protected]

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