3rd place CSL Division 1
It was a big challenge to play D1 for their second season in club and the challenge became a mountain when injuries started to happen at the beginning and middle of the season. But THEY DID IT! Great season Rebels

"Following a disheartening 10-1 defeat against the Eagles, I found myself losing sleep as a cascade of thoughts flooded my mind. Doubt lingered: Were we truly up to par for this league? Was I the right coach for this team? what crucial elements eluded me? However, my perspective shifted when I observed the girls during the next practice. Their demeanor betrayed no hint of a 10-1 loss; with their enthusiasm to get back to practice, it was as if they had just clinched the World Cup. The crucial point here was their refusal to dwell on the setback, instead, they were wholly focused on upcoming practices and games. With he rematch circled on the calendar, we recommitted ourselves to the task at hand. As the day approached, my nervous anticipation for the girls was palpable. Yet, they exceeded my expectations by a wide margin. Although we ultimately tied the game, there were moments of absolute dominance on the field. More importantly, through their resilient play that day, the Rebels communicated unequivocally that they belonged in the league. Coaching this extraordinary group of players, I've never felt prouder"