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Premier Youth Sports Since 1958

Premier Youth Sports Since 1958

Steele Creek Athletic Association Soccer Club

Premier Youth Sports

Steele Creek Soccer Club promotes an active, healthy lifestyle while teaching love for the game. We focus on player development at all levels to ensure the highest level of growth, both in skill and game aptitude. Our core values provide our players with the best opportunity to succeed at the next level.


What does my registration include?

SCAA Soccer Jersey

Every child will be provided with a jersey, socks and shorts. You will need to provide your child with shin guards, a water bottle, a ball, and cleats.

Field & Team Equipment

Field flags, soccer balls, cones, boards, scrimmage pennies, and coaching materials are necessary to ensure that all kids get a solid experience.

Field Maintenance

Ensure the fields are in good condition and ready for game day.

Clinics and Fields 

Each season registration includes access to free clinics hosted by experiences coaches and trainers an access to fields during out of season sessions 

Click Here To Register

SCAA Spring 2025 Soccer Registration opens around January 15, 2025th through March 7, 2025.


February 1, 2025 – Start of free clinics for registered players (Tentative)

February 18, 2025 – Practice may start for older (U12+)

February 18, 2025 - Coaches Clinic 1 (Tentative)

March 3, 2025 – Practice starts for all divisions

March 29, 2025 – Games Start

SCAA strives to provide a supportive soccer environment that promotes healthy competition, good sportsmanship and a sense of community for each child.  As a recreation program our focus is on growing the love of the sport through development and fun for all skill levels. 

Practice and game times:  Practice days and times are up to the coaches discretion. Normally practice will be 1 or 2 days a week depending on the age group. Practice times start between 6:00 PM and 7PM and last from 1 to 1.5 hours.

Unfortunately, we have to take advantage of every shred of field space available to us and practice may coincide with other teams.

We try to prioritize the younger kids earlier, but due to field constraints and/or Coach availability these later sessions do occur.  

VolunteersWe are a fully volunteer run league. Please consider sharing your time and volunteering this season. We always have a need for coaches, no experience necessary! We provide a coaches clinic, training materials and equipment! Follow the volunteer link on your account home page to sign up. If you have any questions, please let us know!

*The number of coaches does have an impact on our team set up. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do we practice and play:

We practice at Steele Creek and occasionally may play games throughout the Steele Creek area. Fields include: Field Day Park,  Oakridge Middle and Oakridge Elementary, (Lake Wylie), Belmont, or Cramerton. Age Divisions 2009+ may play games in the greater Charlotte Area

What Equipment is needed:

Each player needs a soccer ball, shin guards and cleats. Registration includes a team jersey, shorts and socks. Our “Cleat Repeat” will have a few opportunities prior to the season starting to donate and pick up free cleats. More info to come.

Ball chart:

Little Kickers (2021), U6 (2019/2020), U8 (2017/2018)—Size 3
U12 (2013/2014) and U10 (2015/2016)--- Size 4
U16 (2009/2010) and U14 (2011/2012) --- Size 5

How long is the season:

Teams will play between 8-10 games depending on age level and registration numbers. Practice starts at least a month before the first game

Are there evaluations:

Player evaluations will be Tuesday, February 22th (if needed) to ensure teams fairly formed.  An email will go out based to age divisions impacted.

If a child cannot attend evaluations they will be assigned to a team via blind pick.

*If your player desires to play up an age group you must register first for your assigned birth year and then email us that you wish to play up. Change in division is at the commissioner's discretion for younger leagues

Spring Season 2025

Welcome to  SCAA Spring Soccer. We offer recreational soccer from ages 3 to 17. Majority of  games will be played in the Steele Creek vicinity. Older kids may play in surrounds towns in the Charlotte area. All practices will be at the SCAA grounds 1 to 2 days a week. 

Recreational soccer is a fun environment to learn more about the game, grow your skills and have friendly competition. We focus on inclusion of all skill levels.

Age groups are determined by birth year. Division names are followed by the birth year, your child's birth year therefore needs only to align to know you are in the correct division. If you desire to either play up a division or down a division, you must first register for your eligible division FIRST, then email the soccer commissioner to request the change to the other division. Players are not allowed to move down in divisions birth years 2016 and older. All moves are subject to the commissioners discretion.

Age divisions in U8 and  may partner with other leagues which may involve some local travel. (Belmont, Lake Wylie, Cramerton, etc.). Travel will depend upon registration, coaches and teams

Division U6 play small sided games, but do not keep score.  

Click Here To Register
Click Here for Volunteer Information 

   Spring 2025 Divisions        


Please note, that there is a organizational fee across the association. This further helps with ground and facility maintenance as well as off-season field usage. Refer to the registration page for more details.   

Registration Listing

Spring 2025 Recreational Soccer

Steele Creek Athletic Association's Recreational soccer program is open to boys and girls of all levels of ability. This is our "grassroots" program and utilizes volunteer coaches, primarily parents of our players. There are no player evaluations or tryouts - everyone who registers is placed on a team. Many players who are interested in trying out for competitive teams begin their training by building a solid foundation in our recreational program. Our Recreational program includes our U4-U18, Mini Academy teams and all star rec. pools, which are formed each season based on evaluations of players that show interest and aptitude for moving to our competitive program.

SCAA offers Recreational Soccer in one primary region: SCAA Sports Complex. The rec program is our largest, with practice locations in Steele Creek Athletic Association Soccer fields. Some Recreational teams may travel for additional competition.

 SCAA Rec soccer is offered in the Fall (August - November) and the Spring (February - May) seasons. Our youngest players (ages 3-4) participate in fun weekly sessions offered at our recreational fields through our affiliation with Little kicker. U4-U18 rec teams practice one or two evenings per week and typically play one game on Saturday throughout an 8-week to 12-week season.

We provide our volunteer coaches with coaching clinics, licensing, structured lessons plans and assistance on the field from SCAA Soccer Staff Coaches. In addition to team practices, we offer optional, free technical skills training sessions for ages U4 to U18 in one location. The training sessions are run by experienced coaches and give interested players more opportunity to develop and improve age appropriate skills. Recreational level camps are offered in the summer and pre-season clinics are also offered (Additional fees apply.)

Little Kickers-4U

Registration closes on 03/22/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/03/2025 to 05/30/2025

Rec U5/U6

Registration closes on 03/07/2025 at 01:00 PM
Season Dates: 03/03/2025 to 05/30/2025

Rec U7/U8

Registration closes on 03/07/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/03/2025 to 05/30/2025

Rec U9/U10

Registration closes on 03/07/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/03/2025 to 05/30/2025

Rec U11/U12

Registration closes on 03/07/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/03/2025 to 05/30/2025

Rec U13/U14

Registration closes on 03/07/2025 at 09:00 PM
Season Dates: 03/03/2025 to 05/30/2025

Rec U15/U16

Registration closes on 03/07/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/03/2025 to 05/30/2025

Rec U17/U18

Registration closes on 03/30/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/03/2025 to 11/30/2025

Saturday Training Clinics (Free)

Registration closes on 03/08/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 01/24/2025 to 03/08/2025
Show Details


Steele Creek Athletic Association
13530 Choate Circle 
Charlotte, North Carolina 28273

Email: [email protected]

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