SCAA SPONSORSHIPS - One Year $1,500 / One Season $750 (spring or fall)
➢ Full color 6ft x 3ft vinyl banner on three fields
➢ Company featured on SCAA social media and website
➢ Invitation to SCAA sponsored and hosted community-wide events
SIGNAGE & BANNER -Whole Year $750*
➢ Full color 6ft x 3ft vinyl banner on one field
➢ Company featured on SCAA social media and website
* add $200 if no artwork/logo and SCAA designs/prints the banner
FIELD NAMING SPONSORS - Three Year Sponsor $5,000
➢ Field Naming Rights
➢ 8ft Aluminum Sign
➢ Company featured on social media and website
➢ Invitation to SCAA sponsored and hosted community-wide events
A one-time or recurring donation in any amount towards the SCAA general fund or for a
specific sport/item of need. SCAA is developing a needs list, by sport, and can work with
sponsors on specific items.