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Team Formation

The registration committee is comprised of the Registrar and each of the member schools' Sub-Group Representatives. The Registrar chairs the Registration Committee and leads the team formation meeting.


Registration information for players and coaches is provided to each sub-group representative on a frequent basis once registration opens until the registration deadline. Each representative is responsible for using this data to follow-up on individual registrations, coaching registrations and determine how many teams they may have in each age group, to include head and assistant coaches for each of these teams.  


At the team formation meeting, the committee reviews the number of teams to be formed for each age division, the need for any combined sub-group teams, and coaching candidates for each team to include assistant coaches.


The registration committee follows the Kentucky Youth Soccer Association(KYSA) and CCYSL team formation guidelines, with deviations only made where the committee, by majority vote, concurs that it is in the best interest of the players.


1. Please review the U06 Rec Program for U06 team formation information


2. The Club forms teams on a modified geographic basis for U8-U14 teams, using the sub-group schools to form the player pools from   
     which teams will be formed.


3. Players are rostered to a team in the age grouping based on their age on a calendar year basis of a seasonal year (fall/spring). A birth chart,
    which is established by US Soccer & KY Youth Soccer, for the current seasonal year, is included on the registration page.  CCYSL must abide
    by the birth chart.  CCYSL cannot ignore, override, modify, etc. the seasonal birth chart.


4. The number of teams formed in an age group and gender is determined by the number of players registered at the time of the team formation


5. The son/daughter of the Head Coach and the son/daughter of the first Assistant Coach may be rostered together, if they have submitted an
    online registration form by the on-time registration deadline.  They are considered protected players.  They are the only ones considered
    "protected players."


6. State team formation rules are followed which include ensuring that no more than two-thirds (2/3) of the players assigned to a team have the
    same birth year. (Birth year is determined by the player's age on a calendar year basis).


7. Players that were on the same team in the previous season (fall) and continue in the same age group in the following spring, will be rostered
    together, provided they register by the on-time registration deadline. (Teams are held "consistent" from fall to spring, provided all returning
    players from the previous fall season, are registered by the on-time deadline.)  Teams for the fall season will be formed on a random basis as
    many players, based on their date of birth, must move up to the next age division.


8. Siblings of the same gender and same age group will be placed on the same team, unless a parent specifically requests otherwise on the
    registration form.


9. Requests to play up may be granted based on child's birth-date and grade level. Players requesting to play up shall not preclude a player in
    their age group from being placed on a team.  Play up requests are dependent on there being open roster spots on teams in the age bracket
    specific to the play up request.


10. Unprotected players and new players will be randomly drawn to a team in close proximity to their area.  Late registrants are considered "at
      large," and are placed on whichever team (in the player's age bracket) has the fewest players.  The team with the fewest players may or may
      not be based out of the player's particular school.

Field Status

Closed Closed

Ft. Thomas Tower Park Fields 1 and 2 (07:50 PM | 08/12/24)

Closed Closed

Pendery Park Field 1 (09:13 AM | 02/07/25)

Closed Closed

Pendery Park Field 2 (09:12 AM | 02/07/25)

Closed Closed

Pendery Park Field 3 (09:12 AM | 02/07/25)

Closed Closed

Pendery Park Field 4 (09:12 AM | 02/07/25)

Closed Closed

Pendery Park Field 8 (09:12 AM | 02/07/25)

Closed Closed

Pendery Park Field 9 (09:12 AM | 02/07/25)

Closed Closed

Pendery Park Field 10 (09:12 AM | 02/07/25)

Closed Closed

Pendery Park - All U6 Fields  (09:12 AM | 02/07/25)

Closed Closed

Main Street Church #3 (U08 & U10) (08:56 AM | 10/01/24)

Closed Closed

Main Street Church #4 (U12) (01:52 PM | 09/28/24)

Closed Closed

Main Street Church #5 (U6) (01:52 PM | 09/28/24)