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Injury Care and Prevention

CCYSL recommends that parents and coaches consider attending a Red Cross First Aid course and CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) course

The first line of defense in the treatment of athletic injuries is to prevent them. This is accomplished by a well-planned program, competition among athletes with similar ability and size, proper warm-up. When dealing with an injured player, consider the following:

·       Avoid panic.

·       Check for consciousness, bleeding, deformation, discoloration, breathing, shock.

·       Depending on nature of injury avoid moving the injured player.

·       Inspire confidence and reassure player.

·       Use common sense.

·       Seek professional help.

·       Always err on the side of caution. 

For additional information on the care and prevention of soccer injuries, please refer to the US Youth Soccer's guidance document. In addition, you can also refer to the Heat Hydration Guidelines, provided by the USSF.

Field Status

Open Open

Ft. Thomas Tower Park Fields 1 and 2 (12:37 PM | 05/10/24)

Open Open

Pendery Park Field 1 (12:43 PM | 06/06/24)

Open Open

Pendery Park Field 2 (12:43 PM | 06/06/24)

Open Open

Pendery Park Field 3 (12:43 PM | 06/06/24)

Open Open

Pendery Park Field 5 (12:43 PM | 06/06/24)

Open Open

Pendery Park Field 8 (12:43 PM | 06/06/24)

Open Open

Pendery Park Field 9 (12:43 PM | 06/06/24)

Open Open

Pendery Park Field 10 (12:43 PM | 06/06/24)

Closed Closed

Pendery Park - All U6 Fields  (09:48 AM | 05/04/24)

Open Open

Main Street Church #3 (U08 & U10) (02:06 PM | 05/06/24)

Closed Closed

Main Street Church #4 (U12) (12:17 PM | 04/19/24)