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Modifications to Game Play

last modified 3/10/23

Campbell County Youth Soccer - Modifications for U8 and U10 Recreation League
At U8 and U10 we allow for a re-throw if the first throw in is taken improperly.
If the second throw is made improperly, the throw-in is awarded to the opposing team.
Major/Minor Fouls
In U8, all fouls will result in an Indirect Free Kick.
There are no Direct Free Kicks or Penalty Kicks in U8.
U8 and U10 : No Slide Tackles.
There is no “official off sides” penalty in U8 games.
Direct attempts to take advantage of an offside position can be called by the Referee.
We allow substitutions for all age levels at any stoppage of play, including direct & indirect free kicks (including Corner Kicks), with permission from the referee.  Have your subs stand at the midfield line, a few yards back from the sideline.  Yell "Sub [Sir/Ma'am]" if necessary, and your players may enter the field when called (usually with a verbal "Subs on" and/or a visual rolling of the hands by the referee).  Try to have players exit the field directly into the Team Area.
Heading - No deliberate Heading of ball in U8 or 10. Restart is indirect kick to opponent.
Punts- U8 and U10 Goalkeepers are NOT permitted to punt the ball back into play.
Once ball is in hand, must throw or roll the ball to teammates. Restart is indirect kick to opponent
Goal Kick- The ball is in play as soon as it moves.  It does NOT need to leave the 18-yard penalty box before being touched by another player.  Your kicker may pass the ball within the 18.  As always, the ball can be placed anywhere within the 6-yard box (it does NOT have to be placed directly on the corner of the box).
Build-Out Line - The purpose of the Build-Out Line is to demonstrate sportsmanship, and give the defending team a chance to build their attack from their own defending side.  The U8 & U10 fields are divided into thirds, with a line on grass fields (or cones on the turf).  Upon Goalkeeper possession OR during a Goal Kick, the formerly-attacking team is expected to retreat from the attacking third, back to the neutral territory in the middle.  The defending team may put the ball in play immediately if they choose, or they have the option to wait.  The Goalkeeper must drop the ball within 6 seconds of picking it up, however the clock doesn't start until the last attacking player retreats into the neutral third.  There is no offside position in the neutral third, just like there is no offside position in your own half of the field for U12 and higher. 
Game Pay
Officials paid on the field prior to the game.
The Head Coach is responsible to bring the correct change and pay the officials.
Inclement Weather
30 minute delay for all thunder or lightning.
All players, coaches, officials, & spectators must leave the playing field and seek shelter.
Campbell County Youth Soccer
Group Time Players Minimum Players Ball PK Yards Total Fees Team Fee Center AR
U8 4 x 12 6 v 6 5 3 None 40 $ 20 $ 20 $ 10
U10 2 x 25 7 v 7 5 4 8 46 $ 23 $ 22 $ 12
U12 2 x 30 9 v 9 7 4 10 110 $ 55 $ 50 $ 30
U14 2 x 35 11 v 11 7 5 12 126 $ 63 $ 56 $ 35

Referee Scheduler = [email protected]

Game Field Status available at

Field Status

Closed Closed

Ft. Thomas Tower Park Fields 1 and 2 (07:50 PM | 08/12/24)

Open Open

Pendery Park Field 1 (03:08 PM | 08/16/24)

Open Open

Pendery Park Field 2 (03:08 PM | 08/16/24)

Open Open

Pendery Park Field 3 (03:08 PM | 08/16/24)

Open Open

Pendery Park Field 4 (03:08 PM | 08/16/24)

Open Open

Pendery Park Field 8 (03:08 PM | 08/16/24)

Open Open

Pendery Park Field 9 (03:08 PM | 08/16/24)

Open Open

Pendery Park Field 10 (03:08 PM | 08/16/24)

Open Open

Pendery Park - All U6 Fields  (03:08 PM | 08/16/24)

Open Open

Main Street Church #3 (U08 & U10) (03:25 PM | 08/16/24)

Open Open

Main Street Church #4 (U12) (03:25 PM | 08/16/24)

Open Open

Main Street Church #5 (U6) (03:25 PM | 08/16/24)