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In-House Intramural Basketball

2023-24 SYA Basketball Teams

Elementary In-house Basketball 2nd thru 5th Grade

SYA's Elementary Intermural Basketball program provides the opportunity for boys and girls to play regardless of prior experience starting with 2nd grade and going thru 5th grade. 

 Elementary In-House Basketball

Registration for the Basketball season opens on Sept 1st and runs thru assessment night in early November.

It is our goal to offer both girls’ teams and boys’ teams in each age group. If we do not have enough to split the players, we will offer coed teams.

Please note that payment for the program is due at the time of registration. Registrations will not be processed without payment. The system will only accept credit or debit cards, it will not accept checks or cash. If there is a problem with making payment using a credit or debit card contact the SYA secretary before starting registration at [email protected].

In-House, Second and Third Grade Division
This program provides second and third grade players with the basic understanding to the rules of basketball. The season runs December-February. Teams meet twice-a-week and stay local for practices and games. All team members are guaranteed playing time. Games are usually on Friday evenings at the Leitersburg Ruritan Community Center gym or at Smithsburg elementary school gym. Teams are kept small, and all team members will be guaranteed playing time.

In-House, Fourth and Fifth Grade Division
This program provides continues to teach players the basic understanding of basketball, develops basketball skills and starts to increase the level of competition. The season runs December-February. Teams will meet two to three times a week and stay local for practices and games. Games are usually on Friday evenings at the Leitersburg Ruritan Community Center gym or at Smithsburg elementary school gym. Teams are kept small, and all team members will be guaranteed playing time.

Registration for either division:
Players must create an account on the SYA website and register for the program before the assessment date. 

Please note that payment for the program is due at the time of registration.  Registrations will not be processed without payment.  The system will only accept credit or debit cards, it will not accept checks or cash.

To help us create teams that are as balanced as possible all players will have their current skill levels assessed.

Assessment for the 2023-2024 season will be held at Smithsburg elementary School:
Tentative dates for assessments are:

Registration cost
Sept 1- Sept 30th $40
Oct 1st - Oct 31st    $55
After Nov 1st      $80

Tentative In-House Assessment Dates:
Smithsburg Elementary School Gym
The coach will be in contact with you one week prior
Register online before in-house assessments. 

This program depends on parents volunteering to coach and on businesses to sponsor the teams.  Parents can volunteer when the register their son for this program.
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